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!Help file for ZapTexture
1.0 : Features.
2.0 : Installation.
3.0 : What it does.
4.0 : More details.
1.0 Features
True syntax colouring for Texture Garden files and support for textures from
Studio24Pro and PhotoDesk.
There is "Beautify" option which forces the displayed case of recognised
commands to a pattern that enhances the readability of texture files.
Cursor key enhancements stolen from Martin Ebourne's modes (see later).
If you have a copy of Studio24Pro then this module works with textures from
that program as well. It keeps its textures in a "Textures" directory too.
The "Beautify" option is useful for Studio24Pro texture files. Textures
from PhotoDesk are also offered similar support.
2.0 Installation
Copy the module "ZapTexture" into an appropriately-named sub-directory of the
"3rdParty" directory inside the !Zap application.
In the file called "External", in the directory "!Zap.Options.Default" or
wherever the variable Zap$External points to, add lines as follows:
This tells !Zap about the new mode.
!Zap's "Keys" file should be edited by inserting:
&5XX &FFF \#\*.Textures.\#\* +Texture
at the appropriate point in the file. "&5XX" should be changed to the
smallest number not ptesent in the existing list. !Zap should then be
If your version of !Zap is earlier than !Zap 1.30 then you will need to edit
your !Run file to include a command to load the module. Then, the next time
!Zap is loaded Obey files or desktop boot files (or any other filetypes you
have told !Zap about will be loaded into the new mode.
3.0 What it does
When the module does not know about a command it colours it differently from
normal commands to indicate that it has not been recognised. This enables
the module to be used as a spell-checker and, to a limited extent, a syntax
checker. The rule, as with most zap modes, is that if it is coloured
incorrectly, then it needs examining. If it is coloured it as though it is
right, this does not mean it will actually work.
The module also contains some enhancements to the cursor keys so that when
they are used in combination with the shift key they behave in a more
appropriate manner than when !Zap is in text mode. These routines have been
stolen from Martin Ebourne's C mode and are documented by him in his own
directory inside !Zap. Basically they make the shift-cursor combinations
pause more frequently so they step more intelligently through lines with few
spaces. Martin has kindly given me his permission to use his code.
The module has difficulties in displaying lines that wrap around the
screen in the correct colours. Consequently, the module is not at its best
when used at low widths.
Those familiar with my other !Zap modes may be wondering where the
equivalent to their BEAUTIFY command is. As Texture Garden provides much of
the functionality of this command in its export text options, it has been
stripped out of the !Zap mode to save space. The Beautify menu option
remains, however, and those pining for the BEAUTIFY command will find that
SHIFT-CTRL-COPY can be used to produce a similar effect.
4.0 More details
The version number of ZapTexture should approximately track that of
Texture Garden, as it is updated as Texture Garden's texture generation
language expands.
For technical details on the module, users are referred to the documentation
to ZapObey which has a very similar internal structure. This should be
available from my web site if you can't find it anywhere else.
© Tim Tyler 1996.
_____ __ __ _____ The Mandala Centre,
|_ _|| \/ ||_ _| 11 Alexandra Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2DD.
| | | |\/| | | | tim@varuna.demon.co.uk / tt@cryogen.com
|_| |_| |_| |_| http://www.varuna.demon.co.uk/tmc/